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Cargo transportation by Gazelle on-board vehicle

Gazelle is the most popular form of transport that citizens use for office, home or country travel, delivery of household appliances and furniture. Gazelles are also applicable for intercity transportation with a range of up to 400 km.

There are several types of cargo transportation that can be carried out on a GAZELLE car:

- Non-standard industrial cargoes are transported on an on-board, open (not tented) gazelle. The top loading is carried out by a crane or loader. Such a car has internal standard body dimensions of 3, 06 * 1, 95.

- A standard tent gazelle is used to transport all kinds of objects with a volume of up to 8.7 cubic meters. It can be furniture, household appliances, etc. Internal standard body dimensions 3, 06*1, 95*1, 45. It is easy to make an office move on such a Gazelle.

- On-board awning gazelle with a high awning, it is possible to transport cargo with a volume of up to 11.6 cubic meters. Internal enlarged body dimensions -3, 6*1, 95*1, 95.

- The onboard awning gazelle with a high awning and a long platform can carry loads of 17.2 cubic meters. Internal enlarged body dimensions 4, 10*2, 00*2, 10. With the help of such a car, it is already very easy to realize a country or apartment move, and you can also use it for transporting bulky goods.

All types of onboard gazelles can transport cargo weighing up to 1.7 tons. There are seats for two passengers in the cab next to the driver (as a rule, in the cargo transportation business, these passengers are movers). Gazelles are unpretentious, have a metal platform, folding sides and a removable awning.

The management of motor transport companies loves GAZELLE for the fact that it easily pays off, is profitable, is in demand by customers and there is a possibility of quick repairs. The car is very popular in the CIS countries. If a GAZELLE breakdown occurred outside of your hometown, there will always be spare parts and craftsmen who will quickly repair the car.

Drivers appreciate the GAZELLE for its high mobility, maneuverability, ease of control, dynamism. The Gazelle car, unlike other types of trucks, is allowed to drive along the central city streets. This allows you to speed up the move.

GAZELLE attracts customers with low tariffs and speed of transportation. Some cars are equipped with special lifting mechanisms and fastening belts. This makes the transportation of furniture and household appliances safer and more reliable.

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