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Skyros Blog

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We received these comments from dance facilitator Alex Svoboda which explains:-

“There is so much to do here. There are courses, evening activities, and community events. Despite being introverted, I thoroughly enjoy Atsitsa. We are in a beautiful, natural environment where I can always find a spot to be alone with nature. In the evening, I can have quiet conversations one-on-one or in a small group. For those who don't want to be overwhelmed by the group, there are places to be one with nature or one-to-one with someone else.” - Alex.

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Thu 1st Aug 2024 17:47 Mike said…
A perfectly timed and reassuring post, since I will be coming to Atsitsa for the first time in about a month... and, as someone with strongly introverted preferences, the community / evening dancing etc activities have created some inner nervousness for me. So thank you, Alex.
Fri 2nd Aug 2024 17:17 Mike said…
A perfectly timed and reassuring post, since I will be coming to Atsitsa for the first time in about a month... and, as someone with strongly introverted preferences, the community / evening dancing etc activities have created some inner nervousness for me. So thank you, Alex.

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