Skyros Blog

Sing Your Heart Out with Kate Daniels
Sun 14 - Sun 21 Jul 2019 & Sun 21 Jul - Sun 28 Jul 2019
Whether you only ever sing in the bath or sing regularly in choirs, this is the place for you to have a wonderful time learning glorious harmonies to some well-known and less well-known songs and tunes.
Using well-known songs from the Great American Songbook , some harmony singing of world music, and some more contemporary songs, participants will be introduced to different rhythms, phrasing and techniques and given an opportunity to explore and experiment with their vocal range. We will pay attention to breathing and play a bit with improvisation.
Those who are interested will be able to explore singing as a performance and a way of communicating with and engaging an audience.
This week is a course for all abilities and will be fun and unpressured. You don't need to be able to read music or have any experience of singing in choirs - just come along to enjoy yourself!
Participants are invited to let Kate know in advance if they are working on a particular song or want to develop a specific aspect of their singing/performance.
Classes run before breakfast for five mornings and in the late afternoons/evenings for three afternoons per week.
What people say about Kate and her courses:
For a group with very differing singing abilities we gelled quickly (not least thanks to Kate's integrative approach and abilities) and learned a great selection of jazz/swing/blues songs, including holding the beat and warm up exercises - exactly what I had hoped for.
Relaxed, informal, encouraging. Kate is a sheer delight and inspires, instilling confidence.
Easy-going, cooperative, fun, very inclusive, integration and motivating, gives you the feeling that you can do it, lots of humour, happy to help in break with questions - much appreciated.
Superb, relaxed, inclusive, fun, warming & well structured without being pressured in any way.
Excellent exercies and fun singing.
A playful week of good singing together.
Did several songs, plenty of harmony and everyone involved equally.
Click here for more information or to book online >>>
About Kate Daniels
Singer and songwriter, Kate was also for many years the director of Systemic Psychotherapy training at the Tavistock Centre in London, Kate continues to teach there and in addition has run courses and directed in Skyros for 14 years.
Pursuing a creative life is her passion. She studied in Birmingham with playwright David Edgar, has acted and written for theatre and radio and this year she will be launching her third CD as a jazz singer.
A recent performance of hers at the Vortex in London was hailed by The Guardian jazz critic as “A classy concert of song-cherishing internationalism”.
Click here for more information or to book online >>>
About The Skyros Centre
Kate's courses are held at The Skyros Centre - the original Skyros holiday, the perfect creative, wellness adult-only retreat. Meet like-minded new friends and explore your potential with inspirational, caring facilitators who will support you. Enjoy laid-back Greek island life. Do as much or as little as you choose.
What's included?
- Choose your courses on arrival or express your preference when you book
- In-depth, mid-morning options include personal development, art and painting courses and writing courses
- Enjoy early morning and late afternoon yoga and music/singing drop-ins
- Stay in traditional Skyrian rooms
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