Skyros Blog

Passionate Living with Malcolm Stern
Sun 18 - Sat 31 Aug 2019
As children we marvel at the world around us, longing to be grown up and able to taste many gifts in life.
Somehow as adults we have learned to shut down and avoid our pain and struggle. Unfortunately and unknowingly, we also close down our passion and joy.
This workshop is designed to reawaken our appetite for the richness of life. Using a blend of psychotherapy, sensual techniques, dance, small group exercises, laughter and communication, we will explore and embrace our passionate selves.
Click here for more information or to book online >>>
About Malcolm Stern
Malcolm Stern has worked as a group and individual psychotherapist for more than 20 years. He was a co-founder and is Co-Director of Alternatives at St James’s Church in London and runs groups internationally.
He is the author of Falling in Love / Staying in Love (Piatkus 2004) and was co-presenter of Channel 4's relationship series 'Made for Each Other' in 2003 and 2004 and sailed on the 'Rainbow Warrior' with Greenpeace in the 1980s.
Visit his website here:
What people say about Malcolm:
A highly professional and sensitive facilitator.
Insightful, gentle and very direct.
Malcolm created a warm, safe group environment to share whatever was needed. Thank you.
Excellent. I finished the course feeling more focused/motivated to move forward in a positive way.
Kind, skilful attention and full of wisdom and shared learning.
Click here for more information or to book online >>>
About Atsitsa Bay
Malcolm's course is held in Atsitsa Bay - a holistic holiday centre set in a stunning, natural location, right on the bay and surrounded by pine forest. With a wide range of courses and activities and an outstanding team of facilitators, it's the perfect place to be inspired and try something new.
What's included?
- More than three courses per day over four to five days each week
- An unrivalled and vibrant community atmosphere
- Fun evening activities and events
- Three delicious Mediterranean meals each day
- Twin shared rustic accommodation in Atsitsa's gardens (upgrades available)
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