Skyros Blog

Cuban Salsa with John Harris
Sun 1 - Sun 8 Sep 2019
Cuban Salsa
This course is suitable for both absolute beginners as well as those who have mastered the basic steps and turns and want to take their Salsa to the next level.
Participants can expect to learn authentic Cuban moves and figures - and pick up some Spanish along the way.
Join us for this enjoyable course and revise or add to your basic Cuban Salsa while having fun, enhancing your fitness and meeting new people.
Family Constellations
This relatively new and unique approach to personal growth looks at issues, challenges, and even aspirations, from a systemic perspective. Family Constellations are a way of representing and resolving personal and Family issues using a supportive group setting to create ‘Living Maps’. These are dynamic snapshots of the systems to which we belong using group members as ‘markers’. Importantly, they illuminate the relationships between the various elements within the system under consideration. From this perspective we are more able to see how things are or were, and to see clearly where we are systemically entangled with people and events, including those that belong to wider familial, historical and cultural contexts. Once a clear picture of systemic dynamics is achieved opportunities arise to restore order and balance with benefits to both the person presenting the issue and other members of their system.
Click here for more information or to book online >>>
About John Harris
John Harris has taught a variety of subjects and held numerous roles for Skyros Holidays over the last 20 years. He has led over 18 Skyros in Cuba Holidays and facilitated Salsa and Tango classes at The Grange, Skyros Centre and Atsitsa. Over the last 12 years he has studied Family Constellations in the UK, Germany and the USA and has facilitated workshops in the UK and abroad since 2006. He is originally from New Zealand and currently resides in the UK with his wife Zoe and son Felix.
What people say about John and his courses:
John is an outstanding teacher. I came here useless at salsa and now feel confident to dance anywhere.
The family constellation course was superb - John is a very talented and insightful facilitator.
Constellation work with John was an unexpected gem! I don’t have enough words to say how good it was.
John is a great salsa teacher and also a very safe, considerate and skilled facilitator in the family constellations sessions.
Family constellations and salsa was exceptional.
Click here for more information or to book online >>>
About Atsitsa Bay
John's course is held in Atsitsa Bay - a holistic holiday centre set in a stunning, natural location, right on the bay and surrounded by pine forest. With a wide range of courses and activities and an outstanding team of facilitators, it's the perfect place to be inspired and try something new.
What's included?
- More than three courses per day over four to five days each week
- An unrivalled and vibrant community atmosphere
- Fun evening activities and events
- Three delicious Mediterranean meals each day
- Twin shared rustic accommodation in Atsitsa's gardens (upgrades available)
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