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Skyros Blog

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At Skyros, we like the idea that wellbeing comes from small, intentional practices.

These practices aren’t grand gestures, but simple, thoughtful actions that can make a significant difference in how we feel. 

Here are some ideas to help you reset and support your health and wellbeing, whether you’re at home or on a Skyros holiday:

1. Practise mindful creativity

Creativity isn’t just for artists. Engaging in creative expression — whether it’s journaling, painting or crafting — helps bring your mind into the present. This allows you to release mental clutter and focus on the joy of creation. At Skyros, many of our courses are designed around creative practices because we know their power to transform and uplift.

Tip: Set aside 15 minutes a day to explore a creative hobby, whether it’s doodling or writing a few lines. This can help calm a busy mind.

2. Share a meal mindfully

In our fast-paced world, it’s easy to eat on the go or skip meals. Taking the time to share a mindful meal with loved ones can enhance your connection to both food and the people around you. At Skyros, our communal dining encourages conversation and togetherness, fostering a sense of belonging.

Tip: Try having a meal without distractions like phones or TV. Focus on the flavours, and enjoy the company around you. Solo meals can also be mindful and grounding.

3. Reconnect with nature

Time in nature has a profound effect on mental health. Whether it’s a stroll through the park or spending time by the sea, nature’s calming presence reduces stress and boosts mood. In Skyros, our natural settings offer the perfect backdrop for meditation and reflection.

Tip: Even if you can’t be in nature daily, make time to step outside, breathe deeply, and soak in the environment. Notice the small details — the rustling of leaves, the fresh air—and let them ground you.

4. Deep breathing and reflection

A simple but powerful tool, deep breathing helps centre the mind and body, reducing feelings of overwhelm. At Skyros, we incorporate mindful breathing into many of our courses, helping participants find peace in the present moment.

Tip: Try a breathing exercise when you feel stressed. Inhale for four counts, hold for four, exhale for four, and repeat. You’ll notice a shift in your mental state.

5. Connect with community

Isolation can exacerbate feelings of stress or sadness. Building a supportive community, whether in person or online, can have a profound impact on mental well-being. Skyros holidays are known for the close-knit community atmosphere, where strangers become friends and everyone is welcomed.

Tip: Reach out to a friend or join a group that shares your interests. Even virtual meetups can foster a sense of connection and support.

Supporting your health and wellbeing doesn’t require grand changes. By incorporating small, meaningful practices into your daily routine, you’ll find yourself feeling more balanced and resilient.

At Skyros, we champion these small steps because we believe they have the potential to create lasting, positive change in our lives.

--> Find out more about Skyros holidays Wellbeing retreats here >>


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