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Activities at Atsitsa Bay, Greece

Trapeze & Aerial Silks with Deborah Sanderson

Sun 7 - Sat 20 Jul 2024

Deborah will enable you to learn some simple but beautiful trapeze moves tailored to individuals. Participants will be assisted to structure the moves into a simple routine. There will be an opportunity to try some partner work as well as solo static trapeze. It is challenging and fun. You will delight in your success and that of the rest of the group. The course is suitable for children and adults. The course is fine for absolute beginners but best suited to people with a basic level of fitness. However there will be an opportunity to have a go during a one off session which will cater for everybody. 

The course will start with a warm up, then we will do some lovely trapeze moves followed by a lovely cool down. 

What's included?

Deborah's course is held in Atsitsa Bay on Skyros island in Greece and is part of the wide range of courses and activities available. The holiday includes full board twin shared accommodation in an eco-hut. Single upgrades and twin shares in the house are available. Chat through the website, call +44 (0)1983 86 55 66 or email to discuss your requirements. 

About Deborah Sanderson

Deborah has worked has a professional actor, director, and aerialist for more than 20 years. She has performed in both traditional and contemporary circus from Bosnia to the Caribbean.  She runs an aerial theatre company, Urban Angels Circus. ( She is passionate about outdoor theatre, trapeze and other aerial skills.

To develop the esoteric as opposed to the increasing demands of the corporate sector coupled with a desire to create her own work which combines theatricality and aerial skills lead to the formation of Urban Angels in 2010 which combines concept, theme or narrative with physically challenging work in the air. This work is interested in "What makes people tick". She also does a great deal of community & educational work through this new organisation.

Deborah is focusing on collaborating with other artists and creating work (whether in scale, it is intimate or epic) that relates to the space for which it is created. She used the opportunity to study at Masters level to create solo site specific pieces “Wing & a Prayer” and “Mariner’s Journey” and a research project supported by the Arts & Humanities Research Council to look at performer / festival goer relationships at contemporary music festivals in Europe. She also provides rigging advice and tuition to other companies such as Phoenix Dance Theatre’s aerial dance piece “Melt”

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