Holiday Facilitators: Richard Layzell
skill, experience, warmth
Richard Layzell is an award-winning artist, film-maker and creative ecologist with LUX London. He has exhibited in most of the major public galleries across the UK and is the author of Enhanced Performance (ed Deborah Levy) and Cream Pages (ed Joshua Sofaer). He recently completed his first feature-length film/performance called Psychosomatic, which premiered for the Highgate Festival in June 2023. He lectures in experimental theatre at Wimbledon College of Arts, UAL London, and has a complicated relationship with coffee.
What people say about Richard and his courses:
So patient with Tai Chi, so patient and easy to follow. Very rewarding.
Richard – fantastic – welcoming, respectful, inspiring.
Absolutely incredible director. His care and time for all of us was amazing - the best.
Loved his calm, peaceful facilitation ensuring a feeling of safety and he was super funny.
Richard Layzell was the best facilitator ever in 20 years of my being here.
Richard is relaxed, caring, warm, gentle and positive approach as director was wonderful.
Richard as ever playful, mindful, humility, wise, encouraging, no big egos!
Richard as director had a calming effect and wonderful art of inclusivity. Love his quirky style.
A special mention to Richard for bringing it all together.
Richard’s energy was so wonderful, as was the attitude he encouraged - full of wonder. Playful, creative, in touch and sight and sound with nature. I feel connected in all sort of ways.
Richard Layzell is such a skilled Director who gives his all and really brings the community together.
Very meditative and healing. Thanks Richard.
Valued Richard for great leadership and holding of community.
Tai Chi excellent.
Effortlessly held the group with fun and ease.
You gave us the invitation to explore the world afresh, to be open again to the wonder of the world!
Richard is a truly exceptional director - such a wise and kind man.
Delighted to have been here for Richard Layzell. He is a gifted director with a kind and light touch. I am sure his approach is a big part of why this week worked so well.
Richard is a such a graceful, fun, calm leader.
Richard Layzell - was such a good director, nothing was difficult - he’s the tops!
Creative Ecology: Richard is brilliant, so playful and inspiring. You never knew where you would end up.
Creative Ecology was just a joy. It was playful and fun and mindful and calm. I couldn’t have hoped for a better experience.