Holiday Facilitators: Kylie Fitzpatrick
skill, experience, warmth

Novelist Kylie Fitzpatrick holds Masters and PhD in Literature and Creative Writing. After lecturing for several years on the Creative Writing degree and MA programs at Bath Spa University in the UK, Kylie left to develop Curative Writing, her writing for wellbeing program which draws on her many years of research, writing, and working with writers and educational and cultural institutions. She is currently a consultant for the Faber Academy, Writers & Artist’s at Bloomsbury publishing, Cornerstones Literary Consultancy, and is a director at Archetype Books.
Kylie grew up in Europe, the U.K., the US and Australia. Her background is in broadcasting and script development, working with the BBC and ABC amongst other producers and broadcasters. Her four historical novels have been published in eleven languages.
What people say about Kylie and her courses:
Loved Kylie’s early morning journalling - it was a revelation.
Kylie was fantastic and got me through my ‘I can’t write properly’ block.
Kylie has been excellent and has given me tools I can use when I get home.
Kylie’s writing course was fantastic. It was introspective and thought provoking in an understated way - fabulous.
Kylie Fitzpatrick morning drop-ins taught me totally new approaches.
Writing with Kylie was fantastic. I got so much out of it and she was so deep and insightful.